Vienna is segmented into 3 huge pieces: First, there is the "Innere Stadt" (inner city), surrounded by the "Ringstrassen", and is named
District 1. Then there are 8 more districts surrounding it, the so-called "inner districts", where those live who were fortunate enough to find an appartment in one of the beautiful houses there. And then, lastly, there are 13 (I think) outer districts, surrounding the inner parts, named clockwise, starting in the south of town.
Simmering, the district where I live, is "der 11. Bezirk". It does definitely not have the feeling of joy, luxury and easy living. It is, as I said before, a district with a fairly low social and housing standard, but I feel quite safe here, people are friendly, and there are most surprisingly less drunken or drugged people on the streets or in the trams than there are in Zurich - my latest direct comparison apart from Saarbrücken, where the scum has decided to pile themselves in front of the central station.
Anyway, you may live here fairly content and happy for quite a while.
Today I decided to take another way back from the Donau-bath, a way that also included the tram, because I thought it may be nice to see something of the neighbouring 10th district, called
It wasn't nice. I've never ever seen such depressing buildings, darkbrown, grey and shabby, standing at the very edge of the streets and taking away every sight oh the sky. Most surprisingly, the people where not in any way depressed or so. Well, you can grow used to almost anything I think.
Note: don't visit Favoriten, except for a glance at the Dark Side of town ;-)